Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Mission: AFI Top 100 Movie Reviews

I've decide to watch and review the top 100 films of all time as ranked by the American Film Institute in 2007.  The list can be found here

In general, I'll be working from the top down, jumping around a bit depending on what I'm in the mood for.  Even though I love movies, I have not spent a lot of time watching the classics, so I'll be viewing many of these for the first time.  As far as the movies that I have seen on the list, it has most likely been years since I last watched it, so it will be like seeing it for the first time.

To be honest, I've never been a fan of older movies.  I have never been interested in anything black and white.  I'm like the 90% of red-blooded American males born in the 70's who list Star Wars as their favorite movie.  But the thing is...I want to dig deeper, to experience what are critically considered some of the best movies of all time, so I can form my own educated opinion.  I'm not sure whether I'll like them or not...but I want to have an opinion.